Helping High-Achieving Women Address Burnout and Authenticity in the Workplace with guest Emily Drake

Join Dr. Amy Moore and Sandy Zamalis for this conversation with inclusive change expert Emily Drake as we discuss some of the most common struggles that high-achieving women face in the workplace. Touching on topics surrounding disclosing vulnerabilities and asking for help when you’re overwhelmed. We talk about boosting connection to fight loneliness and what it means to be successful. And we get at the heart of what many women face in varying industries. Emily also shares her personal experiences coaching women (and men) to find peace through delegation, relationships, and understanding their values and strengths.

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The Mother Load: Finding Balance When Your Life Feels Off-Kilter with guest Leah Remillet

On this episode of “The Brainy Moms” Dr. Amy and Sandy talk with Leah Remillet, a balance strategist who helps women do less, but better. Join us to hear Leah’s suggestions around everything from scheduling joy and learning to say “no” to setting up systems in every part of your life. This high-energy and entertaining episode opens with Leah sharing her own story of how burnout led her to restructuring everything to prioritize her physical and mental health and how she came out the other side much, much happier!

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