The Top 6 Episodes of 2021

Are you a new listener to our Brainy Moms podcast and want to know what you’ve been missing all year? Or maybe you’ve been listening since the beginning but wonder which topics everyone else liked the best. On this special year-end episode of Brainy Moms, Dr. Amy and Teri recap the 6 most popular episodes of 2021. We share which one had the most downloads, the key takeaways from each of those guests, and we even play a short clip from all 6 of those episodes. Join us to hear what you’ve missed and what should be next on your playlist! 

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‘The No BS Mama’ Gets Real About Depression & Anxiety with guest Megan Eddinger

As a mom, how often have you felt anxious or depressed but felt like you had to hide those feelings from friends and family? On social media, do you only post the good stuff? Do you feel like you have to appear perfect on the outside while hiding your imperfections on the inside? You’re not alone! On this episode of Brainy Moms, Teri interviews the host of the No BS MAMA Podcast, Megan Eddinger.  Megan shares her own story of depression and the impact it had on her marriage and family. It’s a raw and honest conversation about her journey to becoming an advocate and supporter for moms who struggle with mental health issues. It’s such an important topic and Megan is a bright light in a dark room. Don’t miss this one if you or a mom you love is struggling. 

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Unlocking Secrets to Happiness with guest Teri Karjala, LPC, LMFT

On this episode of Brainy Moms, Dr. Amy Moore and Teri Miller interview Teri Karjala, LPC, LMFT. Teri is a therapist and best-selling author of the book Be the Magic of You: Tools to Transform Your Life! with a foreword by Jack Canfield.  In just one hour, we learned eight secrets to removing the roadblocks that keep us from achieving our dreams as moms, mompreneurs, and business leaders.  Teri talks about negative thinking , self-sabotage, the myth of multi-tasking, limiting beliefs, imposter syndrome, time management, and more as what stands in our way of happiness and success. Join us for a tip-filled episode that can put you on the road to transformation.

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