Nurturing Boys: Holistic Parenting to Raise Loving, Well-Rounded Sons with Dr. Shelly Flais

Are you tired of hearing people say, “Man up!” or “Boys will be boys” around your son? Or perhaps you’ve seen boys discouraged from liking the color pink, learning to cook meals, or expressing feelings of sadness or disappointment. If you’re ready to break generational stereotypes and raise well-rounded boys who will grow up to be well-rounded men, you won’t want to miss this episode of the Brainy Moms podcast. Dr. Amy and Sandy are joined by guest Dr. Shelly Flais, author of “Nurturing Boys to Be Better Men: Gender Equality Starts at Home,” who shares her experience as a mother of three boys and practicing pediatrician.

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Autonomy-Supportive Parenting: Reduce Stress & Raise Competent, Confident Childrenwith guest Dr. Emily Edlynn

On this episode, Dr. Amy and Teri are joined by Dr. Emily Edlynn to discuss concepts from her book, “Autonomy-Supportive Parenting; Reduce Parenting Burnout & Raise Competent, Confident Children.” If you’re burned out on doing everything for your kids, confused about punishment vs consequences, or can’t stand the thought of opening Infinite Campus one more time this semester, we encourage you to listen to Dr. Edlynn’s insights! From our three basic human needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness to letting your kids fail (without falling apart yourself!), this conversation provided some profound and thought-provoking practices that almost any parent can use.

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Fit Bodies, Fit Brains: Academic Benefits of Physical Activity for Children with Sophia Wastler, MS Ed

In this episode of the Brainy Moms podcast, Dr. Amy Moore and Teri Miller interview Sophia Wastler, MS Ed, the Founder and CEO of the STARZ Program–a children’s fitness enrichment program. Sophia shares how her experience as a physical education teacher inspired her to create a fitness program for young children to give them a jump start on the benefits to their brains and academic performance. She gives tips for helping kids engage in physical activity and tells us why it’s so important. Sophia also shares how moms can easily start their own children’s fitness business.

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