Improving Sleep for Children and Adults: A Dentist’s Surprising Method with Dr. Blaine Leeds

In one of our most fascinating episodes of the Brainy Moms podcast to date, dentist and author Dr. Blaine Leeds joins Dr. Amy and Teri to talk about a novel way to significantly improve the quality and quantity of sleep for children, teens, and adults. To our surprise, oral sleep apnea impedes restorative sleep, which experts are now determining to be the root cause of so many mental, emotional, cognitive, and physical issues. Learn how a simple DIY device is revolutionizing not only how we treat common conditions, but also how we think about their root cause. From depression to high blood pressure to memory issues, Dr. Leeds shares some of the dramatic results he’s seeing in his practice and across the country. Tune in to hear more about a pioneering device and its potential in uprooting how we address and possibly prevent a multitude of common disorders, ailments, and even diseases.

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Curing the Busy Brain to Find Focus, Tame Anxiety, & Sleep Again with Dr. Romie Mushtaq

On this episode, Dr. Amy and Teri are joined by Dr. Romie Mushtaq, a board-certified physician with more than 20 years of leadership in neurology, integrative medicine, and mindfulness. She’s here to talk about the subject of her new book, “The Busy Brain Cure,” which includes an 8-week plan to help adults regain their focus, alleviate raging anxiety, and get better quality and quantity sleep. She’s getting into the details about everything from healthy fats and thyroids to digital detoxes and a culture that has left so many of us overwhelmed, exhausted, and struggling to think clearly. Tune in to learn more about the latest discoveries into taming our busy brains!

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Bedtime Tips from a Heart-Centered Sleep Coach with guest Maisie Ruttan

Are you tired of the bedtime battles with your kids? Are you at your wits end most nights when your child gets out of bed again and again? On this episode of Brainy Moms, Dr. Amy and Teri interview sleep coach Maisie Ruttan. Maisie shares powerful insights about why bedtime is so hard. She reveals that maybe our timing is wrong, that we are rushing through our routines, and that we aren’t turning screens off earlier enough. She also says we have to stop relying on the evenings for our own self-care time because that makes us resent our kids when they don’t go to bed quickly enough. It’s an episode that makes you re-think what a bedtime routine should really be about.

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