ENCORE EPISODE: The Parent-Teen Partnership: 5 Steps to Create Calm and Reduce Conflict with guest Jeanine Mouchawar

Want more calm and less conflict with your teen? What if transforming your family’s communication dynamic could be as simple as a shift in mindset? Join Dr. Amy and Sandy for an engaging episode with guest Jeanine Mouchawar, a seasoned life coach for parents, as she shares her journey from conflict to connection with teenagers. Jeanine’s personal parenting experiences with academic stress, social media pressures, and ADHD challenges led her to embrace new strategies for parenting teens. In this conversation, you’ll gain insights into how these techniques can restore harmony and foster open communication within your own family.

Discover new tips for effective communication in parenting teens, rooted in the principles of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and cognitive behavioral concepts. We discuss the pivotal role of understanding the teenage transition to adulthood and adapting communication styles to support them rather than solving their problems for them. Jeanine shares how maintaining core values while fostering curiosity and encouraging teens to discover their own insights can lead to healthier relationships. By learning to manage emotions and use non-judgmental language, parents can create a supportive environment that empowers their teens.

Explore practical strategies for setting boundaries that respect and engage teenagers without resorting to control or punishment. Jeanine emphasizes the importance of validating emotions to strengthen connection and communication, helping teens process feelings like stress and embarrassment. By involving them in boundary-setting conversations, parents can guide them towards better decision-making and independence. This episode promises valuable insights for nurturing confidence and self-assurance in your teens, ultimately leading to a more harmonious home life.

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The Parent-Teen Partnership: 5 Steps to Create Calm and Reduce Conflict with guest Jeanine Mouchawar

No one who has done it will ever tell you that parenting through the teen years is easy. Navigating through the realities of school, driving, friendships, dating, curfews, and a still-developing brain can leave parents—and teens—feeling frustrated and unheard. If you’re frustrated with your teen’s choices and what you’ve tried isn’t working, you’re not alone. Jeanine Mouchawar joined Dr. Amy and Sandy to share her expertise on creating positive results through communication. Find out how to set boundaries, create trust, and build your partnership with your teen to support a long-lasting relationship into their adult years on this episode of The Brainy Moms podcast.

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