Parenting a Disabled Child: Systems, Services, and Supports with guest Kelley Coleman

On this episode of The Brainy Moms podcast, Dr. Amy and Sandy are joined by Kelley Coleman, a feature film development executive turned author and advocate for parents and caregivers of individuals with disabilities. Kelley is here to talk about the concepts and information in her book, “Everything No One Tells You About Parenting a Disabled Child: Your Guide to the Essential Systems, Services, and Supports.” Kelley is the mother of two boys, one of whom has multiple disabilities and a service dog, and she shares her own experiences about learning to navigate the world in a new way to best support the journey for her entire family. You’ll hear her advice for other parents who are parenting a disabled child, including where to find support, tips for advocating for your child, and how the process of getting a service dog works. Whether you’re new to the caregiving journey or are just looking for inspiration, don’t miss this jam-packed episode!

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Improving Sleep for Children and Adults: A Dentist’s Surprising Method with Dr. Blaine Leeds

In one of our most fascinating episodes of the Brainy Moms podcast to date, dentist and author Dr. Blaine Leeds joins Dr. Amy and Teri to talk about a novel way to significantly improve the quality and quantity of sleep for children, teens, and adults. To our surprise, oral sleep apnea impedes restorative sleep, which experts are now determining to be the root cause of so many mental, emotional, cognitive, and physical issues. Learn how a simple DIY device is revolutionizing not only how we treat common conditions, but also how we think about their root cause. From depression to high blood pressure to memory issues, Dr. Leeds shares some of the dramatic results he’s seeing in his practice and across the country. Tune in to hear more about a pioneering device and its potential in uprooting how we address and possibly prevent a multitude of common disorders, ailments, and even diseases.

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Shattering Homeschooling Myths: The Truth About Opting Out of the School System with guest Christy Faith

On this episode of the Brainy Moms podcast, Dr. Amy is joined by Sandy and Teri—who have both been homeschool moms—to talk with Christy Faith about homeschooling. Christy shares topics from her new book, “Homeschool Rising: Shattering Myths, Finding Courage, and Opting Out of the School System,” and her flourishing online community of homeschooling families. You’ll hear how homeschooling has changed significantly over the years to evolve into a truly diverse and sustainable undertaking for all types of students, regardless of income, religion, setting, and individual needs. Learn how and why the American school system was launched and why so many families are now turning to this growing movement to educate their kids. Christy shares statistics from her research to dispel the myths many of us have heard about homeschooling, from socialization and sports to getting into college and going to prom. If you’ve ever considered homeschooling but thought it would be too hard or that your student would miss out on too much of the traditional schooling experience, tune in for this truly eye-opening conversation from someone on the front lines.

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Bedwetting, Constipation, & Accidents: Debunking Myths with Dr. Steve Hodges

Forget everything you think you know about bedwetting, poop accidents, and potty training. Dr. Steve Hodges, a professor of Pediatric Urology at Wake Forest University School of Medicine joined Dr. Amy and Sandy on this episode of Brainy Moms to drop some serious truth bombs about what’s really going on with most kids and teens who have accidents. (HINT: It’s not about bad behavior, deep sleep, or an underdeveloped bladder…and it’s never the kid’s fault.) You’ll hear what he stumbled upon during surgery as a pediatric urologist, what he recommends that parents do and don’t do, and why we’ve missed the mark on accidents for so many years. Learn what myths to let go of and the latest ways to treat bedwetting, daytime wetting, constipation and poop accidents, as well as things to consider during potty training. From Botox and InterStim to stool softeners, enemas, and diet, he shares the best options available, depending on the severity of the issues your child or teen is experiencing. He also touches on IBS, children with autism, and the value of x-rays in confirming the best approach. Tune in for this conversation with a leading expert who’s working on the cutting edge of these common medical conditions.

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Mini-Episode: Should We Let Our Kids Quit? Making Decisions Through The Lens of Your Family’s Values

On this mini-episode of The Brainy Moms Podcast, Dr. Amy Moore and Dr. Jody Jedlicka discuss their feelings on whether it’s ok to let your kid quit an activity (such as sports or music lessons). Weighing the pros and cons of things like keeping your commitments vs. supporting your child or teen if they feel overwhelming anxiety or dread related to the activity, our co-hosts engage in an honest discussion about the tough choices parents need to make, and how these decisions can be supported by viewing them through the lens of your family’s pre-established values. This was a reflection discussion following their interview with Dr. Melanie McNally. Be sure to tune in to Dr. Melanie’s interview next week!

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The Mother Load: Finding Balance When Your Life Feels Off-Kilter with guest Leah Remillet

On this episode of “The Brainy Moms” Dr. Amy and Sandy talk with Leah Remillet, a balance strategist who helps women do less, but better. Join us to hear Leah’s suggestions around everything from scheduling joy and learning to say “no” to setting up systems in every part of your life. This high-energy and entertaining episode opens with Leah sharing her own story of how burnout led her to restructuring everything to prioritize her physical and mental health and how she came out the other side much, much happier!

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Nurturing Boys: Holistic Parenting to Raise Loving, Well-Rounded Sons with Dr. Shelly Flais

Are you tired of hearing people say, “Man up!” or “Boys will be boys” around your son? Or perhaps you’ve seen boys discouraged from liking the color pink, learning to cook meals, or expressing feelings of sadness or disappointment. If you’re ready to break generational stereotypes and raise well-rounded boys who will grow up to be well-rounded men, you won’t want to miss this episode of the Brainy Moms podcast. Dr. Amy and Sandy are joined by guest Dr. Shelly Flais, author of “Nurturing Boys to Be Better Men: Gender Equality Starts at Home,” who shares her experience as a mother of three boys and practicing pediatrician.

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Autonomy-Supportive Parenting: Reduce Stress & Raise Competent, Confident Childrenwith guest Dr. Emily Edlynn

On this episode, Dr. Amy and Teri are joined by Dr. Emily Edlynn to discuss concepts from her book, “Autonomy-Supportive Parenting; Reduce Parenting Burnout & Raise Competent, Confident Children.” If you’re burned out on doing everything for your kids, confused about punishment vs consequences, or can’t stand the thought of opening Infinite Campus one more time this semester, we encourage you to listen to Dr. Edlynn’s insights! From our three basic human needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness to letting your kids fail (without falling apart yourself!), this conversation provided some profound and thought-provoking practices that almost any parent can use.

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