The Mother Load: Finding Balance When Your Life Feels Off-Kilter with guest Leah Remillet

On this episode of “The Brainy Moms” Dr. Amy and Sandy talk with Leah Remillet, a balance strategist who helps women do less, but better. Join us to hear Leah’s suggestions around everything from scheduling joy and learning to say “no” to setting up systems in every part of your life. This high-energy and entertaining episode opens with Leah sharing her own story of how burnout led her to restructuring everything to prioritize her physical and mental health and how she came out the other side much, much happier!

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Nurturing Boys: Holistic Parenting to Raise Loving, Well-Rounded Sons with Dr. Shelly Flais

Are you tired of hearing people say, “Man up!” or “Boys will be boys” around your son? Or perhaps you’ve seen boys discouraged from liking the color pink, learning to cook meals, or expressing feelings of sadness or disappointment. If you’re ready to break generational stereotypes and raise well-rounded boys who will grow up to be well-rounded men, you won’t want to miss this episode of the Brainy Moms podcast. Dr. Amy and Sandy are joined by guest Dr. Shelly Flais, author of “Nurturing Boys to Be Better Men: Gender Equality Starts at Home,” who shares her experience as a mother of three boys and practicing pediatrician.

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Autonomy-Supportive Parenting: Reduce Stress & Raise Competent, Confident Childrenwith guest Dr. Emily Edlynn

On this episode, Dr. Amy and Teri are joined by Dr. Emily Edlynn to discuss concepts from her book, “Autonomy-Supportive Parenting; Reduce Parenting Burnout & Raise Competent, Confident Children.” If you’re burned out on doing everything for your kids, confused about punishment vs consequences, or can’t stand the thought of opening Infinite Campus one more time this semester, we encourage you to listen to Dr. Edlynn’s insights! From our three basic human needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness to letting your kids fail (without falling apart yourself!), this conversation provided some profound and thought-provoking practices that almost any parent can use.

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Is Not Getting Enough Sleep Really That Bad For Us? with guest Dr. Jennifer Reid

What’s the big deal if we don’t get enough sleep? On this episode of Brainy Moms, Dr. Amy and Sandy asked psychiatrist and insomnia expert, Dr. Jennifer Reid that question and she shared several ways that sleep deprivation impacts both our physical and mental health. We talk about the basics of sleep, the difference between sleep deprivation and insomnia, and the impact of sleep on weight, metabolism, immune system function, focus and attention, and overall health. It’s kind of a big deal that we get enough sleep! Join us to learn some serious sleep science from a serious sleep doctor. 

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What Parents Need to Know about Speech and Language Development with guest Sarah Billingham

Did you know that as parents, we are the best partner to support early language skills in our children? On this episode of Brainy Moms, Dr. Amy and Teri interview speech and language specialist teacher, Sarah Billingham of Confident Kids.  Sarah shares how parents are the most “tuned in” to the speech and language skills of young children and how we are uniquely suited to help them develop those skills.  She shares specific tips for communicating in ways that optimize their speech and language development, which milestones to be aware of, what red flags to look for, and some fantastic resources to help.

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Help Your Child Survive the Stressors of Middle School with guest Jessica Speer

Middle School is a time filled with big changes and big stressors for many adolescents. On this episode of Brainy Moms, Dr. Amy and Sandy interview Jessica Speer, social scientist and author of the new book, Middle School: Safety Goggles Advised. Jessica shares what she discovered from interviewing middle schoolers about what they defined as their top stressors. The big ones? Social media, judgement by peers, friendships, crushes, gossips, and popularity. Jessica talks about many of the struggles identified by kids in middle school and gives parents some tips and advice on how to help our kids navigate these challenges.

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Get Your Toddler Talking with guest Jill Urbane

Communication and language in early childhood is intricately connected to behavior and social-emotional development. Every temper tantrum is an attempt to communicate an unmet need. How do we help young children develop effective communication skills? On this episode of Brainy Moms, Dr. Amy and Sandy interview the Mentor Mom, Jill Urbane.

Jill is an early childhood interventionist and social worker who specializes in the connection between speech development, emotions, social skills, and behavior. She shares the importance of recognizing our own temperament and communication style and its impact on our child’s behavior. She talks about big emotions in little children and how emotions impact communication. Jill walks us through the development of foundational language skills, what to look for, and what to do if we see red flags. We even spend time talking about the benefits of infant/toddler sign language in the development of language skills.

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How to Quiet Your Inner Mean Girl with guest Onnie Michalsky, M.A.

Hey Moms! Are you ready to silence that inner “mean girl” who says you’re not enough? Are you exhausted from doing all the things and ready to shed your Supermom cape? On this episode of Brainy Moms, Dr. Amy and Sandy interview licensed therapist and host of Moms without Capes, Onnie Michalsky, about how to quiet our inner mean girls and take off our supermom capes. Onnie shares tips on identifying our own needs and emotions, setting boundaries, banishing guilt over self-care, and more.

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Managing Anxiety about School Shootings & Other Traumatic Experiences with guest Stacie Boyar, LMHC, MS Ed

With so many scary things happening in the world today, it’s easy to understand why kids are struggling with anxiety. On this episode of Brainy Moms, Teri and I interview licensed mental health counselor, Stacie Boyar, LMHC, MS Ed, who shares tips and specific strategies for managing anxiety. She’s uniquely qualified to give advice on this topic as a therapist in Parkland, FL who worked with teens from the Stoneman Douglas high school shooting.

We talk about effective therapies for anxiety like CBT and EMDR and also learn at-home breathing and grounding techniques that we AND our kids can use whenever we’re feeling stressed or anxious about anything at all. Join us for this fantastic conversation with the author of You’re Not the Boss of Me, a book for teens on conquering anxiety.

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A Radical Parenting Partnership with Your Teen – with author Lainie Liberti

On this episode of Brainy Moms, Dr. Amy and Teri interview Lainie Liberti, teen mentor and author of the book, Seen, Heard, and Understood: Parenting and Partnering with Teens for Greater Mental Health. Lainie shares a radical approach to relating to teens through a partnership parenting paradigm. Although unconventional, it’s an approach that promotes connection and cooperation with your teen. Based on ideas from her book, Lainie explains the benefits of knowing your teen’s love language, creating shared family values, and partnering in problem solving as a family. Join us for this conversation about a truly unique approach to raising teens.

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